Tuesday, November 26, 2013


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A lot of store bought cleaning agents contain harsh chemicals that are not only bad for the environment, but also your health. To share my personal proof of that; my mom lives with me, and suffers from a bronchial condition. When she insists on cleaning (she's somewhat of a neat freak), the vapours from the chemicals in the agents make her cough violently and almost always, have her reaching for her inhaler.

Naturally I worry. So I went online and discovered that lots of people have been making their own cleaning agents out of regular household items and with more organic cleaning alternatives.

This one I made, I gave one to my mom, and she has had zero coughs when she goes on her cleaning binge. It gets the job done just as effectively as a normal agent would, smells great with my customized scent, but isn't as strong. Surprisingly, the scent is also more lasting and it gets out stains and cleans effectively.

Also works wonders on my pocket!

Here's basically what I used to make mine, you can customize your own scents and cleaning agents to your liking.
 If you are using a bigger bottle than what I used, you will definitely need to use more ingredients than the measurements listed below.

Vinegar 1/2 cup
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Lime
Essential oils for fragrance 5 drops ea.
Small spray bottle/mister

  • Screw the lid off your spray bottle and place the funnel over the opening.  
  • Pour your vinegar down the funnel and squeeze in your half a lime.  
  • Add your 1 tsp of baking soda. The baking soda will cause the vinegar and lime mix to create a big "fizz".  
  • Take the funnel off and allow the fizz to die down, whatever you do, give that mixture air to breathe and DO NOT SHAKE!  Your bottle might just explode on you if there is a build up of pressure inside. 
  • Stir with a spoon instead.
  • Fill the rest of the mixture with water (preferably distilled, especially if a bigger bottle).  
  • Leave the mixture uncovered for about 5 minutes.  
  • Decide which essential oil scents you would like to add.  I added sandalwood and plumeria.  You can also try mixtures like green tea and lavender or jasmine. Anything that will put you in a relaxed and comfortable state of mind. 
  • Use a sticker or label to label your concoction.
  • Spray on surfaces and wipe clean with dry cloth
  • Great for: Bathroom, kitchen, closet, bedroom, living room, office space, I even put some in my laundry!
Now go make your own and save your wallet, and the environment :) !

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